Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Benefits & Healthy Transformations
Read time: 7 minutes
This blue Butterfly, Pea Flower powerhouse, has been used in many different ways over the centuries, from food coloring, textiles, medicinal tea, and supplements, also helping with pain and fevers.
A couple of years ago, I stumbled across a lovely blue flower floating in a tiny glass teacup presented to me as I was welcomed into a place I was staying in, Thailand. I wasn’t sure what it was. The deep blue-colored water with three flowers floating in it looked like someone had used food coloring within the water to make it so vibrant. Not trying to be rude softly, I asked what is this called. Butterfly Pea Tea it’s good for you. If you like, I can sweeten it with honey if you prefer. I took a tiny sip around the flowers and was surprised by the mild grassy floral flavor. I would never turn down just a slight amount of delectable Thailand honey. As she drizzled the honey in the tea, she took the flowers out of the cup for me and placed them on the tea saucer next to the cup I was holding. Then she said you can use the flowers again if you want more tea later. I thanked her while enjoying this light soothing beverage. The second time I encountered the “Blue Beauty,” as I was calling it.
I sat in an outdoor restaurant in Chiang Mai, Thailand, waiting for my take-out food that afternoon. At the same time, watching the bartender mixing a liquid into a drink as blue as the Bali Ocean with bubbles covering the tops of the glasses. It was so pretty, and the bartender had several drinks lined up on the counter. Just as I was about to ask what is that drink called, he quickly squeezed a plump lime with the juices spreading across all the glasses. Squirts landed in the glass and, honestly, everywhere else. He gave the drink a quick stir before they were taken away. What is happening!! Right before my eyes, this beautiful blue as the Bali ocean turned purple as an orchid!!
Ok, please stay with me. I had never seen anything like this before and was crazy impressed! It was like a sleight of hand card trick performed before my eyes. I had to order one for myself to see another replay, now knowing what to expect. I asked the bartender what makes it turn colors. The lime madam was his reply. The bartenders presented me with my food and Blue Mock-tail made with the Butterfly Pea Tea Flower. What a magical moment!
Now that I have experienced this botanical used in two various ways, hot and cold with acidity and without, I have some research to do. I am exploring more possibilities for Blue Beauty, known as the Butterfly Pea Flower. Here is a small spotlight on the historical background that I found out. There are over 60 different species grown worldwide, but the one I am focused on is the Clitoria Ternatea; yes, it is named due to the shape of the fresh flower resembling the female genitalia. I will let you research for yourself the stories on that naming. Most commonly, it is referred to as Butterfly Pea Flower. It is part of the legumes (Fabaceae) family. The plant produces flowers, then pods which are picked then, dried thoroughly, shelled, then can be planted to create a new seedling. The first documented drawings of the Butterfly Pea Flower were in the late 1600s. Primarily this flowering plant was grown chiefly in Southeast Asian Countries. Now, it is simultaneously grown in such places as America, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Africa, and Australia.
How Does Butterfly Pea Benefit Me?
This blue Butterfly, Pea Flower powerhouse, has been used in many different ways over the centuries, from food coloring, textiles, medicinal tea, and supplements, also helping with pain and fevers. Most of us have heard that the key to a healthy diet is incorporating naturally colorful foods into our daily routine. Utilizing the nutritional compounds found in the blue Butterfly Pea Flower tea, such as p-Coumaric acid, phenolic, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids, vitamins E, A, and C. Scientific studies have shown measurable positive effects on the body due to the ease of absorption properties. These antioxidants in this blue beauty can further combat oxidative stress, one of the main reasons of cell tissue damage, and chronic inflammation, which causes most chronic diseases such as heart diseases and cancers. Blueberries also contain many benefits and antioxidants, thus elevating the Butterfly Pea Flower as the front runner to combat many chronic health conditions and possibly prevent them from occurring. Scientists are evermore discovering new ways this powerful botanical can be used.
Butterfly Pea Flower Is for You?
Before trying any supplements, you should always consult your doctor or naturopathic partitioner.Did you know Butterfly Pea Flower Dried or Fresh can help with
• Inflammation, pain
• Enhance cognitive functions
• Diabetes
• Weight loss
• Antibacterial properties
• Anti-stress
• Promotes Digestive Health
• Vision
• Collagen production helps skin and hair
Would there be a reason Butterfly Pea Flower is Not for Me? Moderation is the key! I went enthusiastically overboard when I started drinking my beautiful purple magical butterfly tea! Like when you hear your favorite song and play it so many times until it is not your favorite song anymore. I know I am not alone here. It was so light and refreshing. Plus, living in a warmer climate, I wanted to stay hydrated. Filling my bottle up for the day and adding ice off, I would go. Ok, my mistake. After about a week of this, I did experience, let’s say, many bathroom visits. TMI, although helpful information. If you are like me and sometimes jump into new daily health practices with both feet. Remember moderation. During the cold winter months, two cups a day keeps my hunger away, and I enjoy it a little more in the summer. Explore what is right for you, your body, and your health condition.
Where To Source Butterfly Pea Flower? Many supplies and farmers could not get their products to consumers during the pandemic, disappointing for farmers and customers alike. I was grateful to find the same variety of Clitoria Ternatea I had purchased abroad in Hawaii. Let me take a moment to suggest possibly saving you money and dissatisfaction. Choosing to only purchase or source from organic farms is not only great for the environment, but it ensures that your body is absorbing the most potent antioxidants available within the flower. Quality counts when you are making tea. I realize that you can purchase Butterfly Pea Flowers for a fraction of the price online from big box stores. Your health and body are worth the extra cost!
Please let me know if you have experienced Butterfly Pea Tea hot or chilled. What are some of the creative ways you have found to use this botanical? Please send me pictures or suggestions of your creations and dishes Shellythefoodshcolar IG & Pinterest [email protected]. I enjoy hearing from all of you.